Nore Dragon Paddlers - KACC would like to acknowledge and express our deepest appreciation
for all the help and support we have received to date in getting our club up and running:
EBS Image Beauty, Kilkenny Pallas Foods Goresbridge Trout Farm John O Connell, Chemist Hightower
PJ Alward, Life and Pension Services Gaeltec Utilities Cois Nore
Warren McCreery Auctioneers St Canices Credit Union Whites Pharmacy
Jones Business Systems New Park Pharmacy Fleming Accounting & Business Solutions
Liffey Mills Goods, Kilkenny Fab Hair Studio
Belle Femme
For those who wish to remain anonymous, you know who you are... go raibh mile maith agat!
A special thank you to Jim Croke for giving us 2 boats to get us started on the river. Madeleine Carroll
of MC Designs for our beautiful logo. Orange Cafe, Kilkenny for sponsoring our t-shirts. Roger McClure
and Kilkenny Aqua Canoe Club for taking us under their wing. Suir Dragon Paddlers and Waterford
Dragon Warriors for your invaluable guidence and support. Finally a hugh thank you to our mentor Mr.
Constantino Fuiza-Castineira for giving our club focus and direction and Joanne Brennan MLD physio, who's vision
planted the seed of having a breast cancer survivor dragon boat club in Kilkenny.